about us

Wanderglobally is a travel meta-search site that finds and compares the best offers, especially on hotels and flights. We are free, which means that we never add any booking fees, and we never use cookies to inflate prices.

We don’t sell flight tickets, hotel rooms, or car hire deals – we show you the latest available prices and let you choose the offer you prefer. One click and you’re taken directly to your chosen site where the booking is completed.

Wanderglobally is a new travel affiliate website managed by an independent group of world travelers. We aim to bring you informative reviews of the places we travel to, including hotels, cities, planes, trains, and everything in between. We hope you find our site valuable, informative, and motivating! We encourage you to travel more, take our advice, and make your journeys more enjoyable.

We specialize in slow travel, whether you need extra time to experience an ancient temple or just have the leisure time to explore. If you have points to use or want advice on how to accumulate more points, we will be adding that information to our site as well. In the meantime, feel free to shoot us an email or leave us a comment anytime.